Disclaimer: I know I don't own these characters because if I did Buffy would be alot more lesbian friendly. And the Zeppo and Dead-Boy would be together. *EG* Don't sue I don't have any money....I'm a nanny for crying out loudbthat is trying to become a librarian. *g*
"And the crape paper should hang over the entrance to the
living room just
slightly." Buffy instructs the two men she talked into helping her. 'Xander
and Giles had been surprisingly well behaved. Taking her orders without
protest. Buffy moves into the kitchen after giving a few more orders to
finish making the food. Having Spike and Angel coming made for an
interesting variety in the things she was making. Everything from Honeyed
Ham, to blood soup. After checking the pies and cookies in the oven she
goes about slicing up the Ham.
'It's hard to believe that it's been three years since Spike joined us. He
has effected us so much in the way we see things. Him and Cordy make the
weirdest couple. And the way he got 'Xander and Angel together was funny!
Making them stay in that room until they talked without fighting. The way
made me see that Giles has manly needs too. Though why Giles had to pick
Walsh I will never know. It still gives me the wiggins everytime she is
to me. Since I remember her being a total bitch to me during my time in her
class. I hope Willow makes it back from England in time for the party...
Giles said she wasn't sure if she would.' Buffy thinks before turning to
stir the soup. Thinking of Willow always mad her sad. She missed her with a
passion. The two hadn't talked in almost two years. Ever since the fight
they'd had about Riley. Then Willow had excepted the scholarship to Oxford
and disappeared from Buffy's life. Buffy and Riley broke up a few weeks
after that and Buffy had been single since. Buffy turns and starts slicing
the ham again. She hears the doorbell then Giles and 'Xander greeting some
one at the door. She can't hear the conversation so continues what she is
doing and then gets the food onto serving platters. She moves back and
from the dining room table to the kitchen until everything is set. She then
moves to the living room to see Cordy, Spike, Angel and Ms. Walsh had
"Hey guys, Ms. Walsh. I'll be right back." Buffy says before going
to get ready for the party. She slips into the dark blue dress with
shoes she bought the month before. Buffy is starting down the stairs when
the doorbell rings again. She gets to the front door in time for Giles to
open it. On the other side is Willow dressed in an black Armani suit. Her
hair is cut short and styled much in the same fashion as Gina Gershon's
Corky from "Bound". Willow gives Giles's shocked face a smirk and she walks
into the house. She sees Buffy and stops walking her eyes softening
slightly. Buffy snaps out of her stare and smiles at Willow.
"Hey Wills." Buffy says. Willow almost smiles.
"Hello Elizabeth." Willow says. Buffy shivers softly when Willow uses her
first name. Willow continues into the living room where Cordy squeals.
"Armani! Willow I never knew you had such good taste!" Cordy then runs
and starts looking over the rest of Willow's wardrobe. 'Xander's, and
Angel's jaws drop at the way Willow is dressed.
"Wills?" 'Xander says hesitantly.
"Yes 'Xander?" Willow replys.
"You look like a...boy..." 'Xander points out.
"No 'Xander I do not." Willow starts until Angel interrupts.
"She looks like a man." Angel says and grins at Willow who almost smiles
him in return. Buffy walks into the room followed by Giles.
"And one hell of a bloody man at that." Spike adds. Ms. Walsh didn't have
anything to say so she stayed quiet.
"Well now that everyone is here lets eat." Buffy says and leads everyone
the dining room. They sit down and quietly fill their plates with food
> gradually conversation starts up again and Willow even puts in a few
comments here and there. Buffy spends the entire meal distracted and
watching Willow. As the group goes back into the living room Cordy
miss-tactless herself asks.
"Willow are you gay?" Willow smirks and nods in answer. Buffy almost trips
over her own feet when she sees the answer to the question and 'Xander
laughs earning a glare from Buffy and a small smack on the shoulder from
"What? It was funny." 'Xander says and rubs his shoulder lightly. Buffy
goes to stand next to Willow near the entrance to the livingroom and
snickers and whispers to Angel. Angel chuckles and passes the whisper on to
Giles and it goes on around the livingroom to everyone except Buffy and
Willow. Willow leans back against the wall next to the entrance way with
arms crossed in front of her chest.
"What have been up to at Oxford?" Buffy asks.
"Learning about myself and the things we fight. The one thing that was
drilled into me was that I wasn't going to be let into the watcher's
counsil unless I acted like the lady that I am. Do I look like a lady to
you?" WIllow asks. Buffy shakes her head. "Exactly, so I told those bloody
knob shiners that if they didn't want me like I am then I was comnig back
here Oxford be damned." Willow says. Giles, Angel, and Spike laugh.
"You actually called them knob shiners?" Giles asks.
"Yeah, you should have seen the look on their representives face. He
three shades of red then huffed and left." Willow says with a wicked grin.
"What's a knob shiner?" 'Xander asks which causes the other three men and
Willow to laugh.
"It's slang for gay man 'Xand." Angel says and smiles at his sweetie.
"Willow,How did you find yourself to be Transgendered? Is that the right
term?" Giles asks.
"Please call me Will. And I'm not Transgendered. I am a Drag King. I just
also happen to be a lesbian which you don't have to be, to be a Drag King.
Will is the name I chose as my Drag King name and when I am out of my suit
am Willow. As for how I became a Drag King that is an interesting story.
Before I left here I already knew I was a lesbian I hid it well because I
didn't want anyone to freak out or to try and tell me I was just confused.
went to Oxford and I ran into this girl on campus who was supposedly bad
news. We became friends and she showed me the night life around campus and
beyond. I went to a Drag King workshop with her and then poof here I am."
Willow smiles at Buffy, "That's what the fight about Riley was really about
Buffy. Not him but me, I wanted to be with you but he was in the way."
Willow finishes and Buffy chuckles softly.
"After you left Riley and I fell apart and I have been single since. I
missed you Will." Buffy says 'Xander clears his throat. Buffy and Willow
look at him.
"You guys are standing under the mistletoe." 'Xander says Buffy
at him.
"'Xander I told you NO mistletoe...But I'll forgive you this time. But
time I won't make you those cookies you like to take home. Understood?"
Buffy says. 'Xander nods looking very sorry because he likes those cookies.
Willow grabs Buffy's shoulders and switches them around so that Buffy is up
against the wall before slowly lowering her lips to Buffy's. The kiss is
slow and loving letting both women feel everything that was denied them
years before. Everyone in the room is humbled by it. When they finally
away from each other they smile.
"Whelp, on that note I think we should be leaving." 'Xander says and
everyone files out the door. "See you tomorrow morning Buff for presents."
'Xander says before closing the door.
"We're going to have to think of a great present to give him besides the
ones he is already getting." Willow says and Buffy nods before they go up
the stairs.
The End