emotions.gif (17330 bytes)

Author: Angela
E-Mail: glasswrks@yahoo.com
Copyright: Nov. 17, 1999
Disclaimer: Joss, et al, own the characters from
"Buffy: The Vampire Slayer", no copyright infringement
is intended. The story is mine.

What does it mean when you have feelings for someone?

Feelings you're not quite sure of...

Emotions that were never a part of yourself until a
certain person entered your life...

How you'd deal with feelings that are all at once new
as a spring day...

Yet older than the universe.

How do you explain to someone, that just the sound of
their voice makes your face light up.

How the ever so brief touches, enflame your body like
nothing else...

How you would give up everything...

Just to be the person they wished to love.



Yet, to feel the intensity of emotions that run
rampant through your body...

Just by dreaming of your lips pressing on theirs...

Finding soliace in the fact that you are loved in

But how you ache...

How you yearn to hear those three words... and have
them meant in the say way you say them.

How do you deal when someone asks your advice about
the person you love.

Everyone seemingly aware that you care about that

But never realizing 'how' deep those feelings go.

Having to play the part of the 'best friend' to the
hilt, only because you know that the heart that beats
so strong and true, has already been claimed.

Wanting nothing but that person's happiness...

Only hoping...



That you might be the one to provide it.

"Hey Will."

"Oh... hi Buffy," Willow replied, startled by her
friends entrance.

"What's this?" Buffy asked, reading over Willow's

"Um... nothing... nothing at all," she replied,
trying to save and close the file before her friend
could read any more.

"Wait..." Buffy said, bending closer to the screen.

"Buff... Buffy... this is boring... really," Willow
said, hoping that Buffy wouldn't want to scroll up to
the beginning.

"Is this for class?" Buffy whispered.

Willow desperately tried to keep from shivering as
Buffy's warm breath caressed her ear.

"Umm.... class?" she replied, closing her eyes and
soaking up the closeness.

"Yeah... you know... class?" she asked again, turning
her head to look at Willow. "Are you okay?"

"Wha... oh... yeah. I'm fine," Willow replied,
finally closing the file. "So... how... um... how are
things with you and Riley?"

Buffy moved away and began telling her friend about
the conversation she'd had with him earlier.

Willow listened...

As she always would.

The End

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