Email me at natterbard@yahoo.co.uk

I believe that Willow and Buffy are 'kinda gay', and I am going to attempt to try and prove this.


Willow and buffy have been friends (and subsequently best friends) for over three years now, despite setbacks and doubts...

EARSHOT Season Three

In this episode Buffy is able to hear peoples thoughts... ( thoughts are in {{ }} )

"WILLOW: (about ) Yeah... she's super competitive... {{ (about Buffy) She's hardly even human anymore...

how can I be her friend now? She doesn't need me! }}

BUFFY: No, I *do* need you!"

Also Buffy and Willow see each other as being an important part of each others world

EARSHOT Season Three

"WILLOW: What's it like Buffy?

BUFFY: I dunno... I mean, its a little weird... but, look, please don't for a

second think I don't need you, cause I do. I wanna share this with you... its

like... all these doors are opening to all these little worlds, and I can just

walk inside."

Also, if Oz's theory (in the same episode) is to be taken into account, you could say that Buffy wants to share her entire person with Willow

"OZ: {{ I am my thoughts... if they

exist in her, Buffy contains everything that *is* me, and she becomes me...}}"

I believe that the Buffy/Willow relationship has become this close because it has been tried in the fire (in some cases quite literally), and yet they have bounced back from these times of unsurity in their realtionship, such as when Willow discovers Buffy attempting to leave Sunnydale again...


"Buffy: I know that you were worried about me, but...

Willow: No! I don't just mean that. I mean, my life! You know? I, um...

I'm having all sorts of... I'm dating, I'm having serious dating with a

*werewolf*, a-and I'm studying witchcraft and killing vampires, and I

didn't have anyone (starts sobbing) to talk to about all this scary life

stuff. And you were my best friend.

Buffy: You have no idea how much I missed you. Everyone. I wanted to

call every day.

Willow: That doesn't matter, Buffy. It doesn't make it okay that you


In such a close and strong relationship as this, actions and declarations of love are bound to be made...

CHOICES Season Three

Willow has just told Buffy that she has decided to stay in Sunnydale...

"Willow: Sunnydale's not bad. A-And I can design my own curriculum.

Buffy: Okay, well, there are safer schools. There are safer prisons.

I can't let you stay because of me.

Willow: Actually, this isn't about you. Although I'm fond, don't

get me wrong, of you. The other night, you know, being captured and

all, facing off with Faith. Things just, kind of, got clear. I mean,

you've been fighting evil here for three years, and I've helped

some, and now we're supposed to decide what we want to do with our

lives. And I just realized that that's what I want to do. Fight evil,

help people. I mean, I-I think it's worth doing. And I don't think

you do it because you have to. It's a good fight, Buffy, and I want


Buffy: I kind of love you.

Willow: And, besides, I have a shot at being a bad ass Wiccan, and

what better place to learn?"

I find the last piece of dialoge particulary interesting for two reasons.

A) Buffy tells Willow that she loves her! Although when she says it, by including 'kind of', it implies that she seems a bit unsure (as if she isn't sure that Willow feels the same), but later on, Buffy is confident about it in WILD AT HEART Season Four...

Willow has just found out that Oz has been cheating on her...

"Willow : Uh-huh. Ok.

Buffy : You're ok?

Willow : I'm fine. I promise.

Buffy : I love you. (Buffy leaves.)"


B) Willow doesn't actually reply to buffys "I kind of love you" with a 'me too' or even a whimsical 'right back at cha' (!)

I think that this could be because she is surprised by Buffy's declaration, or that she is uncomfortable with the implications that it may carry.

We have always known that Willow is a bit confused and uncomfortable about the idea of her sexuality (which teenager isn't?)



"Willow: (appalled at her vamp self) It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. (worried, aside to Buffy) And I think I'm kinda gay.

Buffy: (reassuring) Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality

has nothing to do with the person it was.

Angel: Well, actually... (gets a serious LOOK from Buffy)

That's a good point."

In this episode Angel implies that the Vampire side of a person isn't all the drastically different from the actual person that they were. We could take this to mean that Willow might be 'kinda gay' herself!

To say that Buffy and Willow have always been gay would be a bit much. How can anyone deny Buffys love for Angel or Willows hurt when Oz left?

What I do believe is that if you loved someone and they loved you back, you would both be fiercly protective of one another...


"Willow : (to Riley) Then talk. Keep eye contact. Funny is good, but don't be glib. And remember, if you hurt her, I will

beat you to death with a shovel. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun."

Would both be willing to give up the world for one another...

CHOICES Season Three

"Wesley: Damn it, you listen to me! This box is the key to the Mayor's

Ascension. Thousands of lives depend on our getting rid of it. Now I

want to help Willow as much as the rest of you, but we will find

another way.

Buffy: There is no other way."

And even if neither of you could see it at the time, everyone else would be able to see the deeper love there...


"Riley : I know. See, I don't know that much about Buffy. But I'm interested in what she likes, and so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you."


Buffy and Willow are so right for each other and if everyone else can see it...

Shouldn't you?

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